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Chords You Can Use

Consider you want to make a song. And let's just say, the root note is in C (the most common root note ever!!) and we're gonna use major scale. And then, the next question is, what chords i can use to make this song? Okay, im here to save you, dont worry, hehe. In this post, i will give you the idea, what chords you can use and why you can use them. And what im gonna give you here, is a basic music theory. Hopefully it's enough for you to make some song. Maybe you will encounter some song that out of this rule, but is not mathematics. You can break the rules, if it's good for you and/or your listeners. But of course if you a complete beginner, it's just save to follow the rules first. Without further sayings, let's begin, shall we? We continue with the scenario, which is make a song in C major. As we all know, a C major scale is C D E F G A B. There's common rule, that we can use pattern (Major-Minor-Minor-Major-Major-Minor-Diminished) over a maj...
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Fixed/Freeze row header

For about an hour, me and my boss try to find out, how to fixing/freezing header row in Microsoft Excel. We 'asked' the Help, trial and error, asked other person and looked for the example. And we found NOTHING!!!!!! Then we decided to give up, and continue to another topic. But, in the next hour, i still wondering, how to do that thing? So, i surf it with search engine (thx 4 google) and i get direct answer just in the first line of the recommended site. I try it, and it works!!!! The funny thing is, the site just explains it just IN 2 STEP!!! This is how it works: Decide where is the header data that you want to fixed/freeze. for example, i want to freeze ONLY the first Place your cursor in A2, go to Windows and select Freeze. Or you can click Alt+W+F See? As simple as that!!! If you want to freeze row and column, you have to place your cursor in a upleft of unfreeze table. For example, i want to freeze Column B and Row 2, then i place the cursor in C3 and do the step 2. Ther...

Sorting Data With Excel

It's 2:27 AM now. Got my graveyard shift now. And boss gave me a task. It looks simple yet it's very frustrating since i have to deal with crazy disorganized arrays of data. For example, the first row is a data at 2 Sept 2008 08:02:00 AM. But the next row is data at 1 Sept 2008 23:10:26 PM, then continue with 2 Sept 2008 00:10:27 AM. See the image By the way, im dealing with sea level height data, sent by tsunami buoy. And in this post, i will use example of three data row. You can apply it for thousands of data (as long as the data fit in excel, cause excel limited the number of data row to 65000 or so). As you can see, the date, hour, minute and second placed separatelly. This is an advantage (at least for me, hehe). Here's the idea. I want to combine the date, hour etc. into a single cell. What im doing here is write this formula: I multiply the minute with 100, hour with 10000 and date with 1000000 and then add them all (with second too), in a single cell. Then copy it ...

Simple and Quick Logo

Hi again folks. In this tutorial, i'm gonna show you how to make a simple logo. Fast and (hopefully) easy. Let's begin, shall we? First of all, create a new document. I'm using 400x300 of dimension and white background Set the foreground color with red color (#FF0000). Select Rounded Rectangle with Fill Pixels and Radius=20. We better create the rectangle in a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N). I named it 'Base' Ctrl+click Base layer and you'll get the rectangle selected. Create a new layer (i named it 'Shade'). Use Pen tool and create a path that looks like this: It doesn't matter the shape of the path outside the rect. The important thing is the path inside it. Now, right-clik the path (still with Pen Tool Selected) and select Make Selection. Choose Intersect With Selection for the Operation. Click OK. Now select the Gradient Tool (with Foreground to Transparent and Linier Gradient), set the foreground color to light grey (#E1E1E1). In Shade layer, create g...

Chat Acronym

This is few of acronym that often use in chat room. Hope it's useful AFAIC As far as I'm concerned AFAIK As far as I know AFK Away from keyboard BRB Be right back BTDT Been there, done that BTW By the way C/C Comments and criticism EOM End of message FAQ Frequently Asked Question FTFY Fixed that for you; often accompanied by a correction FTW For the win FWIW For what it's worth FYI For your information GUI Graphical user interface HTH Hope this helps IANAL I am not a lawyer IDK I don't know IIRC If I recall correctly IMHO In my humble opinion IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion IMO In my opinion IOW In other words LFG Looking for group, usually used in MMORPGs LMAO Laughing my a** off LOL Laughing out loud MMORPG Massive, multiplayer, online role-playing game, such as World of Warcraft or Star Wars Galaxies NG Newsgroup n00b From "newbie", meaning a newcomer not yet familiar with the rules NT No text; usually in the subject line of ...

Photoshop Tutorial:Making Glass Orb

My name is not Doni, but you suck at Photoshop. Haha, if you often browse photoshop tutorial at Youtube, you must be familiar with that line. He's teaching Photoshop with hilarious way. Anyway Im gonna give you some Photoshop tutorial here. I got it from Youtube, but no, not from Doni, hehe, im gonna write it in another tutorial. I forget where the original video was, so i cant refer to it, souwry. My Photoshop is Photoshop CS, so this tutorial will be aplicable for later version.In this tutorial, i will show you how to Make a Glass Effect Orb . This is my first tutorial, and i just start learning photoshop about two months ago, so feel free to comment. Without further sayings, let's get started!!!! First thing first, let's open a new file, File - New . Im using 500x350 pixel for my new document. You can use any dimension to your liking. Click OK. Okay, now select the Elliptical Marquee Tool, and make a perfect circle (Hold Shift to keep the cirle proportional) Create a ne...

My First Post

Hellow...this is my first posting...euu..don't know what to say, hehe I'm glad because finally i made myself a blog... I will share some of my knowledge or interesting (at least for me) here and need feedback from you, so don't hesitate to suggest, critic, mock or stuff like that, haha. And if you wish you can read about my daily life or about 'my feeling this day' wall of text or my love story, which is like diary book, like everybody does, then you just hoping for a fat lady sings. You won't find it in here. Maybe i'm gonna make it in another blog, maybe, hehe, not kind of person who wrote a diary everyday. So, don't bother searching my private stuff here, you will find NOTHING!!!!! Until then, C U in my next post. Bye.......