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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2008

Chat Acronym

This is few of acronym that often use in chat room. Hope it's useful AFAIC As far as I'm concerned AFAIK As far as I know AFK Away from keyboard BRB Be right back BTDT Been there, done that BTW By the way C/C Comments and criticism EOM End of message FAQ Frequently Asked Question FTFY Fixed that for you; often accompanied by a correction FTW For the win FWIW For what it's worth FYI For your information GUI Graphical user interface HTH Hope this helps IANAL I am not a lawyer IDK I don't know IIRC If I recall correctly IMHO In my humble opinion IMNSHO In my not so humble opinion IMO In my opinion IOW In other words LFG Looking for group, usually used in MMORPGs LMAO Laughing my a** off LOL Laughing out loud MMORPG Massive, multiplayer, online role-playing game, such as World of Warcraft or Star Wars Galaxies NG Newsgroup n00b From "newbie", meaning a newcomer not yet familiar with the rules NT No text; usually in the subject line of ...

Photoshop Tutorial:Making Glass Orb

My name is not Doni, but you suck at Photoshop. Haha, if you often browse photoshop tutorial at Youtube, you must be familiar with that line. He's teaching Photoshop with hilarious way. Anyway Im gonna give you some Photoshop tutorial here. I got it from Youtube, but no, not from Doni, hehe, im gonna write it in another tutorial. I forget where the original video was, so i cant refer to it, souwry. My Photoshop is Photoshop CS, so this tutorial will be aplicable for later version.In this tutorial, i will show you how to Make a Glass Effect Orb . This is my first tutorial, and i just start learning photoshop about two months ago, so feel free to comment. Without further sayings, let's get started!!!! First thing first, let's open a new file, File - New . Im using 500x350 pixel for my new document. You can use any dimension to your liking. Click OK. Okay, now select the Elliptical Marquee Tool, and make a perfect circle (Hold Shift to keep the cirle proportional) Create a ne...

My First Post

Hellow...this is my first posting...euu..don't know what to say, hehe I'm glad because finally i made myself a blog... I will share some of my knowledge or interesting (at least for me) here and need feedback from you, so don't hesitate to suggest, critic, mock or stuff like that, haha. And if you wish you can read about my daily life or about 'my feeling this day' wall of text or my love story, which is like diary book, like everybody does, then you just hoping for a fat lady sings. You won't find it in here. Maybe i'm gonna make it in another blog, maybe, hehe, not kind of person who wrote a diary everyday. So, don't bother searching my private stuff here, you will find NOTHING!!!!! Until then, C U in my next post. Bye.......